There are tons of benefits to exercise, sport and physical activity, but exercise is far from the best way to lose weight or to keep it off. Many training programs are sold as weight-loss programs. This is clearly a falsehood. While exercise has an important role to play in maintaining muscle mass and metabolism during any weight loss, it is not the primary driver of losing weight. You simply cannot outrun your fork.
Be sure of your “WHY” when you choose an activity – your chosen activity should be able to bring you what you seek.
Team sports help build camaraderie and fitness; obstacle runs can help you feel a strong sense of accomplishment; competing in a fitness contest can help you improve your self-image; finishing a half-marathon can be a great way to work on goal-setting and a great start to long-term lifestyle change. None of these are weight-loss strategies in the long-term.
Don’t lie to yourself. If you want or need to lose weight, it takes long-term, progressive and permanent lifestyle change.